Olive Leaves
September 2012
Pastor’s Article
by Pastor Paul C. Sizemore
"Try to Remember that Time in September"
“The Fantasticks” is a 1960 Broadway musical produced by Lore Noto that tells the intriguing story of two neighboring fathers who trick their children, Luisa and Matt, into falling in love by pretending to feud and by erecting a wall between their two houses.
The fathers then hire traveling actors to stage a mock abduction of Luisa, so that Matt can swoop in like Luisa’s knight in shining armor to save her; settling the supposed feud and securing both of their fathers’ blessings. Actually these two young lovers have had their fathers’ support and blessings all along, though this was completely unknown to them.
When the children discover the deception, they reject the love match and separate. Each then gains disillusioning experiences of the real world. Eventually they return to each other, but as a much more enlightened couple, as they renew once again their vows to love each other.
This story line of young lovers fighting with parental authorities over the right to love each other is actually a theme repeated often in great literature. It’s reminiscent of Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet,” and the same story line can be seen in a recent made-for-TV movie now airing on the History Channel, “The Hatfields and the McCoys,” which is based on a true story that actually took place here in the United States around the time of the Civil War.
There is something about our sinful human nature that naturally resists the guidance and rejects the wisdom of our parents and of all those who have lived before us. And this same kind of resistance and rejection can easily be transferred by us toward our God. But in the closing words of what many theologians believe to be St Paul’s greatest theological treatise ever written, the apostle writes to the church at Rome: “But whatever was written down in the past, was written down for our instruction, so that through the endurance and encouragement of the Scriptures, we might have hope!” (Romans 16:5)
Here Paul was talking about the Bible. Wise people take its lessons to heart and seek to apply them to their daily living.
Here it is September and it is time once again for pastors like me everywhere to incite parishioners to become much more committed to attending Adult Bible Classes and to bring their school-aged children faithfully each week to Sunday School. But sometimes, I feel that the more I encourage people to attend adult Bible classes and to bring their children faithfully to Sunday school each Lord’s Day, the more they back away.
Perhaps I should try, one day, to use some “reverse psychology” tactics with church members as seemed to work so well for those two fathers, trying to get their children together, in the Broadway Musical – “The Fantasticks.”
In that Broadway musical “The Fantasticks,” Matt and Luisa are brought eventually into a strong and enduring marriage. There is a theme song that goes like this:
“Try to remember a time in September,
when life was slow and oh, so mellow.
Try to remember the kind of September
when grass was green and grain was yellow.
Try to remember the kind of September
when you were a tender and callow fellow.
Try to remember and if you remember,
then follow, follow!”
I find it easy to remember the Septembers past in my life. So often sitting by the swimming pool on Labor Day, I often thought about the passing of time, especially when my children were entering another school year. I will always remember those great days of taking them to Wal-Mart or Target to buy their new three-ring binders and the reams of three-whole-punched paper for their notebooks too. Perhaps new pencils and a pencil sharpener were in order, and maybe even a new backpack was something to be purchased that day.
Try to remember that time in September when life took on a new look for you, when you knew that your summer days were now behind you and that time was moving on. Maybe during your own high school years it was time to check out the new girls and new boys that suddenly appeared everywhere on campus.
But in September of 2012, take advantage also of our new Sunday schools and adult Bible studies here at Mount Olive Lutheran Church every Sunday morning at 9:15. And remember what the Good Book says: “Train up a child in the way that he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it!” (Proverbs 22:6).
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A Note from our President
by Mike Knowles
The August Council meeting included the elected as well as standing council members. It was rewarding to see the diversity of members willing to serve on Mt Olive’s church council. Clearly Mt Olive is blessed with abundant resources.
Mt. Olive’s Regular September Voters' Meeting will be Sunday September 23rd in the fellowship hall following the 10:30 service. Voters will be asked to consider the bylaw change that converts elected committee chairs to elected boards. If you are not a voter already, you are invited to become one at any Regular Voters' Meeting.
I have seen Christ’s love shine on Mt. Olive in many ways, from funerals to fellowship. It seems to create an insatiable appetite to hear and study the good news. And, once again God has blessed our congregation with skilled teachers, classrooms, and facilities. Yet there is much to be done as we continue growing in faith and love by spreading the Word of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
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Altar Guild’s Messageby Susie Hoffman
We continue the Sundays After Pentecost in the church year calendar with green paraments to remind each of us that our growth as Christians can continue only so long as we stay in God’s Word and continue to learn of the deep truth’s of salvation found in the Bible and taught from the pulpit.
The chasuble worn by Pastor Sizemore reminds us that as Pastor is surrounded by the chasuble, so we all are surrounded by God’s love. The triangle symbol on it is a reminder of the three equal and distinct persons in the One Divine Being. The empty cross reminds us of the price Jesus paid to gain salvation for us. The dove represents the Holy Spirit. The green color is the color of growth and nourishment.
I wish to thank all members of the Altar Guild who serve so well on a weekly or monthly schedule. Many dedicated ladies (and their husbands) make light work of the many duties needed to keep the sanctuary properly “attired” and services functioning as they should. Thank you Calma Cook, Barbara Chandler, Judy Degner, Sherry Ervin, Liz Garlington, Carolyn Kibler, Gloria Meetze, Thelma Miller, Carole Mueller, Patti Painter, Shari Selke, Rita Witt and Sue Yarbrough. Definitely could NOT do it without you.
The duties include changing altar paraments and banners; filling communion vessels, setting them up properly on the altar, cleaning them and storing them safely; washing soiled altar and communion linens; keeping all candles filled or replaced; setting up for baptisms, weddings, funerals, and confirmation; ordering and removing altar flowers; and making and/or setting out baptism mementoes and napkins among other things.
If you would like to serve the Lord and this congregation in this way, please contact Susie Hoffman or Gloria Meetze.
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LWML (The Olive Branch)
by Carole Mueller, President
Ladies, mark your calendars & plan on joining the Olive Branch (LWML) when we resume our monthly meetings on Tuesday, Sept. 11th. We meet the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month & begin with a Bible study at 10:00 a.m. Our fall Bible study is Servants of the Lord. In this six part series, we will be discovering how to use our own unique gifts through the stories of women you may be familiar with: Miriam, Deborah, Hannah, Esther, Mary Magdalene and Dorcas. Each session challenges us to look at the past, present and future through the lives of these six women. We will see Christ in their lives, in our lives, and how Christ was the greatest example of one who served. May the Holy Spirit guide you, a servant of the Lord, to join us. Advance copies of the Bible study are available from Carole Mueller.
Our Bible studies conclude at approximately 11:00 a.m. After a brief meeting & lunch (sack lunch for those who wish to stay), with dessert provided by our Bible study leader, we will continue with our project of making chrismons (Christian symbols), as well as looking into the sewing of costumes for the upcoming Christmas season. If these projects are of interest to you & you are able to lend a helping hand, we welcome your assistance.
For those who might be interested in visiting the homebound or those living in assisted living facilities after our Bible study, this would be a great opportunity for you to do so. Bring your ideas for other projects that you feel would be an asset to the church or our members. We would like to do more & need your input & willingness to serve. I have heard the whispers of some ladies who are interested in starting up a ladies Bible study in the evening. Be a part of the LWML by moving forward with this terrific idea.
The Carolinas District LWML Convention will be held Sept. 14th & 15th at Christ Lutheran Church, Hickory NC. Connie Cook (zone vice-president) & I will be attending. The gifts from the heart for the District Convention will be for Safe Harbor Rescue Mission in Hickory. This mission work provides for the homeless women in the area & those who have fallen on hard times. A list of items requested is located in the narthex as well as a basket for donations. We will be taking all items collected when we attend on Sept. 14th. Deadline will be Wed., Sept. 11th.
Remember the first Sunday of the month is designated as LWML mite box collection Sunday. Contributions to be placed in the large Mite box located in the back of church. A list of the Carolina District mission advocacy & grants that were chosen for 2012-2014 is posted on the LWML bulletin board located outside of the workroom. They will be prioritized at the convention in September. Thank you for your support.
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Preschool News
by Krista Bernthal
The preschool has begun its sixth year of operation! We appreciate all of your prayers and support - we couldn't run this ministry without you!
School will start a bit differently as we accommodate the loss of our four-year-old teacher who took a job in the public schools. I will cover her class until we find just the right replacement for her. We ask your prayers to help lead that right person to us. In the meantime, I look forward to the time I will get with the fours.
We have spaces open in all of our classes. If you know someone with a two, three, or four year old, invite them to join us! The church website is a great way to learn about us.
We need snacks for our hungry students, so grab a snack-shopping list in the narthex, please! Thank you in advance for your generosity.
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Christian Education
by Katrina Folks
Follow the Leader to Children’s Sunday School!
Classes Resume in September.
The teachers are eager to get back with our Mt. Olive Lutheran children following their summer break. This dedicated group of men and women spent a Saturday morning in August, reviewing materials and methods to use as the classes Follow the Leader this year. Please be sure to thank these individuals who so selflessly serve our Lord in this capacity.
3 yrs-Kindergarten led by Mrs. Dana MagicMrs. Dana has been a member of Mt. Olive for over 20 years. As Sunday School teacher for the early childhood level, she loves the little kids. Your child will love her too, we are sure.
First and Second Graders led by Mrs. Vanita Fiedler Mrs. Vanita has been at Mt. Olive for one year and is also co-leader of the youth group with her husband, Jim. Moving here from Kansas, she brings new ideas and is enthusiastic in sharing the good news of Jesus with your child.
Third and Fourth Grade led by Mrs. Laura LapriseMrs. Laura grew up at Mt. Olive. She has served for many years in our Sunday School and VBS Ministry. This will be a challenging year for Laura as she will have the largest group we have had in several years.
Because this is a larger group, we are seeking a class helper to aid in the classroom. If you like kids, but don’t feel you have the skills to teach, please consider this to be a place for you to serve. If interested, contact Katrina Folks at 422-8126.
Fifth and Sixth Grade Confirmation Class led by Mr. Bill Boykin and Mr. Kevin Kibler Several years ago Mt. Olive moved to an early confirmation program for its middle school students. Mr. Kibler graciously volunteered to help Bill Boykin, Mt Olive’s lay minister, to lead this monumental effort. These men together teach a well-rounded curriculum using both the Bible and Luther’s Small Catechism to instruct these eager young people, with the goal of confirmation at the end of a successful completion of the program.
Since the information covered is intense and progressive, weekly attendance of both students and parents/mentors is necessary to meet the criteria for completion. For information on the program, please contact Mr. Boykin at the church.
High School Class led by Mr. Mike Knowles Anyone who has met Mr. Knowles knows that his easy style and sense of humor appeals to our teens at Mt. Olive. Mike has been at Mt Olive for over ten years and is well versed in Bible study and church dynamics, just leaving the office of President of the Congregation after several years. Teens like the discussions he leads, which do go off topic occasionally, but then are returned to focus on Christ our Leader. They welcome newcomers and friends to the group on any Sunday.
Nursery ReminderThe church nursery is open during the Sunday school hour and 10:30 service from 9:00-Noon for children ages birth to 2 years during Sunday School, and age 3 during Worship. The nursery is located inside the back entrance of the church, across from the Wagner House. Parents, remember to bring your diaper bag with extra diapers, clothes, sippy cup, etc. Flora Weed is in charge.
Reminder: 3 year olds through Grade 4 meet upstairs in the classrooms across from the balcony. 5th-6th graders in confirmation instruction meet in the Wagner House in the back corner room. The high school class meets in the living room of the Wagner House. The Wagner House is the former parsonage located directly across from the church facing Lake Murray Boulevard.
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Adult Bible Classes from the Education Committee
With happy memories of Rally Day behind us, we move forward with our education theme for 2013: Follow The Leader. As Christians, we will automatically assume, this article is directing us to our Leader, Jesus, however it just seems so simple.
As Lutheran Christians we take our Bible study and learning very seriously. We know that it isn’t easy to follow The Leader in this day and age. It isn’t easy to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith when families, finances, work, and even technology consumes so much of our energy and attention.
But remember, the Sabbath Day is set-aside for those special moments when we can slow down and heed the words of Scripture. We relate to the struggles of the Israelites engulfed in sin, we hear of Jesus’ miracles, we focus on the true Leader of our souls. We leave after worship, refreshed and fortified for the week ahead.
Please review the following classes and see where you can slow down, absorb, and renew your life as we all strive to Follow THE Leader.
Tired, stressed, overwhelmed? Join a class with Anna Wyss
Yeah, we hear you. It's hard to do it all in today's world. The stress of school, work, family, healthy living, and everyday life can be so exhausting. You may want to be closer to God but it just seems too difficult to add one more thing. Let us help you in a new Sunday School Bible Study called "Balance: Living With Life's Demands." See what one-hour per week can do to grow your faith and fellowship. If you have kids, come see how this class, along with their Sunday School classes, increases your faith as a family. Please join us starting for 6-8 weeks on September 9. We will meet in the Wagner House. If you have any questions please contact Anna Wyss at awyssrn@gmail.
Fellowship Hall Bible Study with Keith DegnerDo you like to study the Bible with an emphasis on the history found in Scripture? Keith Degner’s class would be a great place for you to be on Sunday morning. Keith leads an interactive class with lots in background information about the text. The class is currently studying Israel’s history after the exile focusing on Ezra, Nehemiah, Haggai, and Zachariah. Search the Scriptures with Keith and add to your bank of Bible knowledge.
Downstairs Bible Study with David MashDr. David Mash continues his weekly Bible study with a focus on 1 Peter. His class alternates lecture style with frequent opportunities for class discussion. Dr. Mash touches on topical discussion relating the worldwide Church today. Class members take turns bringing in light breakfast treats to supplement coffee served.
New Membership and Review Class with Pastor SizemoreVisitors and longtime members are welcome to attend this 6-week class led by Pastor. Visitors to Mt. Olive will be introduced to the teachings of the Lutheran Church. Longtime members will enjoy “catching up” on significant points of the theology which may have missed or forgotten. Together, it is a good opportunity to meet people and form new friendships within the congregation. Pastor’s class meets for 6 weeks, starting on September 9, and meets downstairs across from the preschool rooms.
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Youth Group News
from Vanita Fiedler
In preparation for the National Youth Gathering 2013 in San Antonio, TX, Mt. Olive Youth Group will be performing servant work, hosting fundraising events, and completing several objectives established by LCMS over the next year.
LCMS has tasked Youth Group’s attending the National Youth Gathering 2013 with creating a You Tube Video Titled “My Home Town”; since our congregations’ hometown is rather spread out we welcome suggestions from the congregation on completing this task as well as any technical support that members may be able to provide.
Additionally, LCMS has challenged youth groups with raising awareness and funds for the Malaria epidemic. The Youth Group will be providing information about the Malaria Epidemic during our September 30, 2012 5th Sunday Fellowship Meal as well as hosting Bible Trivia and Games.
Mt. Olive Lutheran Congregation support of our Youth Group is phenomenal and greatly appreciated! July’s 5th Sunday Tex-Mex meal Love Offering totaled $1550. Thank you!
September 16, 2012 the Youth Group is heading to Frankie’s Fun Park sponsored by Mr. Eric Weed for some fun and games. Thank you Eric!
October 20, 2012 the Youth Group is volunteering with “Home Works” to repair homes of homeowners in need. “Home Works” is a Christian based non-profit organization and has 15 homes that are in need of repair during their 20 October Blitz. If you are interested in serving with the Youth Group, please contact Vanita Fiedler.
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from Dan Jorgenson
Thy (Your) Kingdom Come! What Does This Mean?
The word kingdom is used 119 times in the New Testament, primarily as the kingdom of God or the kingdom of heaven. John the Baptist proclaims, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near (MT 3:2).” John understood that the Messiah was coming and that his kingdom was soon to begin. John’s listeners understood correctly that God establishes his kingdom through the Messiah. As people are brought to faith in Christ, they are welcomed into his kingdom and brought under his gracious rule. The reign of Christ refers to the entire number of believers on earth as well as those above. It is the kingdom of God and the kingdom of heaven.
When we pray the Lord’s Prayer, in the Second Petition we ask “thy kingdom come.” In his Small catechism, Luther explains, “the kingdom of God certainly comes by itself without our prayer, but we pray in this petition that it may come to us also.” The Second Petition is also sometimes called the “Mission Petition” because many understand Luther to also mean, “may come to us also and to many others”. When we pray the Lord’s Prayer, let us not forget that we are committing in our prayers to personal witnessing and intentional support for missionary work.
In my final message, I would like to thank everyone who supported evangelism at Mt. Olive by attending the Personal Witnessing classes and especially for volunteering to serve on the Evangelism Committee.
Jon Richter has answered the call to continue to develop a strong evangelism program at Mt. Olive. He asked me to place this brief message for everyone:
“The Evangelism Committee and the Preschool group have committed to a booth at the OKRA STRUT - our local festival here in Irmo. Please pray and plan to participate with us on Saturday Sept. 29th! We will have more info in the Olive Seeds as our event draws closer...
This is a great opportunity to declare that God’s Kingdom has come!
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Stephen Ministry:
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
from Bill & Aresa Boykin
What exactly is Stephen Ministry? Stephen Ministry is a ministry in our congregation in which trained and supervised laypersons, called Stephen Ministers, provide one-to-one Christian care to individuals facing life challenges or difficulties.
Who is involved? Stephen Leaders, Stephen Ministers, and Care Receivers
Stephen Leaders are the ones who oversee and direct our Stephen Ministry. They have completed a week-long training conference. Stephen Leaders recruit, select, train, organize, and supervise our Stephen Ministers, identify people in need of care, and match them with a Stephen Minister. We have two Stephen Leaders: Lay Minister Bill Boykin, and his wife, Aresa. Each Stephen Leader fulfills specific leadership roles according to his or her abilities and spiritual gifts. Pastor Sizemore, as the Spiritual Leader of our church, is also considered a Stephen Leader.
Stephen Ministers are the caregivers. They have engaged in 50 hours of training in Christian caregiving, including general topics such as listening, feelings, boundaries, assertiveness, and using Christian resources in caregiving. In addition, their training covered specialized topics such as ministering to the divorced, hospitalized, bereaved, and aging. Stephen Ministers are caring Christian friends who listen, understand, accept, and pray for and with care receivers who are working through a crisis or a tough time. We currently have eight Stephen Ministers: Shari Selke, Connie Cook, Dave Osborn, Charlie & Twila Sandt, Jon & Ellen Richter, and Aresa Boykin.
Care receivers are the recipients of Stephen Ministers’ care. They are people from our church or community who are experiencing grief, divorce, loneliness, illness or hospitalization, divorce, job loss, or any of a number of other life difficulties. Stephen Ministers usually meet with their care receivers once a week for about an hour for as long as the care receiver needs care, even if it is more than a year!
Can I trust a Stephen Minister? Trust is essential in a caring relationship, and Stephen Ministers are people you can trust. Confidentiality is one of the most important principles of Stephen Ministry, and what a care receiver tells his or her Stephen Minster is kept in strictest confidence.
How can someone receive care from a Stephen Minister? Bill Boykin, our Stephen Leader in charge of referrals, and Pastor Sizemore work together to identify persons who need care. However, it takes all of us working together. If you or someone you know could benefit from the care of a Stephen Minister, contact Pastor or Bill at 781-5845.
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Worship Committee
by Mary Schott
When we are called to WORSHIP, we pray to our Blessed Lord that we may hear, read and inwardly digest, "Your Holy Word," and hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life!
We ask that that we may experience, like the angels and saints in heaven, a glimpse of God’s beauty, through those who provide us the arts and music that bring us joy in our worship service! Weaving this all together are the quiet actions of the acolytes, ushers, lectors, and elders who follow the leadership of the Pastor. All together we rise to listen, speak, sing and eat of the Body and Blood of our Lord and Savior.
What an awesome blessing it is to be a part of the planning for a worship service, and this Worship Committee welcomes its new chairman, Lawrence Wright. He will meet with the Worship Committee and continue to provide smooth ways for this congregation to respond with our hearts and bodies to worship the Lord!
We personally know that Lawrence will also “trumpet us” in our weekly time together as we praise the Lord at Mt. Olive. Thank you, Lawrence, for accepting the Worship Committee chair.
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A Stewardship Minute
from Charlie Sandt
A story in this month’s Stewardship tells of people that wanted to build a bridge over a river. On one side of the river they found bedrock that was not very deep. That meant the stanchion or pillar could easily be built there. On the other side, however, the bedrock was at a depth of 110 feet. Naturally that was going to be a problem for them, yet they came up with a solution. They decided to make a long and large metal pipe that would be placed on the bedrock, then fill it with concrete. Thus they had the two stanchions to serve as the foundations for the building of the bridge. The bridge ultimately was built and is there to cross this very day.
The writer makes the point that just as the bridge needed a good foundation, so too, as Christians we need to have a foundation on which we can build a life pleasing to God; a firm foundation to live as Christians. And that foundation is our Christ our Lord. Jesus, telling his listeners that if they called him Lord and followed his teachings, they would be like the man who built his house on a rock foundation. When a flood came, his house would not be washed away. Then our Lord said if a person did not build a house on a strong foundation, when a flood came, it would be washed away. And great would be the ruin of that house. If we decide to truly call Christ “Lord” and do what he teaches, then we too will have a strong foundation that will not only last us all the days of our lives, but also we will find our Lord saying to us, “Well done, good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of your Master.”
Prayer: Dear Lord, please be our Foundation and our Support as we strive to love and serve you all the days of our lives. Amen
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Choir and Handbells
by Karen Meetze, Choir Director
The Adult and Handbell Choirs have enjoyed a much-needed break this summer, but we are refreshed and renewed and excited to get back to the privilege of leading God's people in worship!!
We will kick-off fall with our first rehearsals on Sunday, September 9th. The Handbell Choir will meet from 4:15 - 5:15 and the Adult Choir will gather from 6:00 to 7:15. In between the practices, we will have a "Sunday Social" to visit and catch-up with each other. So bring your favorite savory finger food or sweet treat and we'll put them all together for a yummy spread! Drinks will be provided.
If you are interested in learning more about how to get involved in these great groups, please call Karen Meetze. Don't let inexperience keep you away.... We welcome all who want to share the joy of music and praise the God of our salvation!!
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Announcements & Opportunities
Midweek Bible Studies
Mt. Olive has two opportunities for midweek Bible Studies on Wednesday evenings. Both groups begin at 6:30 PM by sharing a light meal prior to studying God’s Word at 7:00 PM. Everyone is welcome to attend.
The Bible study in the Northeast will continue to meet at the Blythewood home of Bob & Teri Massa. They are studying the book of John.
The second Bible study meets at church in the fellowship hall studying the lectionary for the following Sunday. Please bring your own meal if you wish to eat with the group.
Men’s Prayer Breakfast
The Men’s Prayer Breakfast will resume on September 15th, at 8:00 AM. All males are invited to enjoy a big breakfast, devotional, and prayer.
Fellowship Hall Usage
Did you know that Mt. Olive has a policy for groups or individuals to use the fellowship hall? In summary, the policy states that “The Church facilities are held in trust by each of us as members of Mt. Olive Lutheran Church; therefore, good stewardship shall be exercised in the use of these facilities so that all members might be able to get the most benefit from them. We look on our Church home as we look upon our residence and maintain it with the same personal view.”
Here is summary of the procedures for scheduling use of our facilities: First, complete an application through the church office. For non-church functions, there is a fee schedule, and the member of our church who is responsible for the event must sign. Please remember that Mt. Olive’s scheduled ministries take priority. Church facilities may not be used for non-member or private or profit-oriented businesses, groups, or meetings.
Clean up, removing decorations, and damages are the responsibility of the persons who use the property and everything must be replaced or restored to original quality.
You may get a complete copy of the Fellowship Hall Usage policy or an Application for use of the facilities at the church office.
VBS a Success!
Thank you to everyone who went on “An Amazing Desert Journey with Jesus!” Seven adults and four parents all worked together during our four Sunday-sessions in August to provide music, Bible stories, and crafts for seveneen of Mt. Olive’s wonderful kids plus one visitor! The highlight in crafts was wearing oversized t-shirts and gloves to make stained-glass crosses using wooden cross forms, paint, glue, stained-glass pieces, and grout! Thank you parents and grandparents for bringing your little ones!
October Newsletter Deadline
Mark your calendar! The deadline for submitting articles for the October newsletter is September 20th. We would also like to include “shout outs” for those in our congregation, especially children, who accomplish special achievements at school or in the community. Also, those of you who love taking pictures of Mt. Olive events can e-mail your photos, too. Please send articles, shout outs, and photos to Aresa.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
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